Don’t believe them. The national movement to ban gas appliances is already underway. Dark-money leftist environmental groups and elitist elected officials are going to kick in our front doors and seat themselves at the very epicenter of our family life – right in our own kitchen. If successful they will be able to start dictating every other aspect of our lives; right down to how we prepare our meals, do our laundry, and heat our homes. This is a grotesque invasion of personal privacy. It is where we draw the line.
Stay informed
Stay up to date with local and national regulations related to gas stoves and other gas appliances. Follow news articles, industry publications, and social media updates related to the topic.
Join or support a grassroots organization
By joining a group, you can participate in activities such as lobbying lawmakers, writing letters to local newspapers, and attending public meetings.
Educate others
Educate your friends, family, and community members about the benefits of gas stoves and why you believe they should not be outlawed. Share information and statistics that support your position.
Write letters to your local lawmakers and policymakers, attend public hearings, and voice your opinion to the media. You can also sign petitions or join campaigns that support the use of gas stoves.
It is important to stay informed, get involved, and take action to protect the use of gas stoves and other gas appliances. By advocating for their benefits and supporting alternative solutions, you can help ensure they continue to be available to consumers.